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23 May 2006

Accountable government, part 2

Objectives and a strategy for government

From the assumption(s) discussed in the previous post, objectives at three levels can be derived for government, applicable at any level of government. Indeed, these principles - with minor modifications - are applicable to any form of social organisation, including business enterprises.
  1. First level objective: increase economic and social wellbeing, by improving the competitiveness of industry, as measured by return on investment ("ROI").
  2. Second level objective: maximise the potential of information and communication technologies to transform the economy, by increasing productivity, productive capacity and quality.
  3. Third level objective: optimise use of information and communication technologies, transforming the operations of government, at all levels, so as to enable a broader, faster and deeper process of transformation of the economy.

To achieve these objectives, the overall strategic aim is for the government to enable innovation by providing leadership and by acting as a catalyst for positive change, focusing on the creation of public value and on facilitating the creation of private value.


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